Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a skin infection?

The last few days I’ve noticed almost like a cigarette burn on my right arm. I thought it was some kind of bite, until it was there for a few days in this pretty little circle. Yesterday I told India that I thought I had a tropical disease and I was dying… She sarcastically told me that someone probably burned a cigarette into my arm while I was sleeping (the only person in the house that smoked was alex, and he left like, two weeks ago. because that would really happen anyways...). We were out at Damali’s in the afternoon and I asked her what she thought, she automatically said RINGWORM! Ewwwwwwwwwwww!! Okay, in all fairness ringworm is not ACTUALLY a worm but just a skin infection that most kids in the village have and is quite contagious, and as I’m around village children all the time it made sense. Not a big deal and you just need an antibiotic topical cream for it. India and I left to go to the Lordsmeade clinic to pick up some meds for one of the babies and asked about my “ringworm”.
The ladies at the front immediately said
“That’s not ringworm!”
“What is it then?”, I ask.
“It’s some kind of skin infection…”
Wow, that’s helpful, I think. Someone else comes out to see.
“It’s because you are white. see, if that happened on my skin you wouldn’t even see it, and I wouldn’t have even come to the clinic!”
Awesome. So because I’m white, you can SEE the infection..no wonder none of the kids ever get treatment from the clinic, because apparently if you can’t see it, it’s not there…
Everyone by now it talking and arguing over my skin and India and I are keeled over laughing, me wishing I had filmed this ridiculousness.
In the end, one of the ladies gave me a prescription for an antibiotic cream (a prescription being she wrote something down on a ripped piece of paper) saying if it doesn’t go away in three days, then go buy it.


1 comment:

Laura said...

Ewwww, ringworm! The kids have it in this book I am reading about Nigeria (in the 1960's) too. Did you get rid of it? How are you supposed to prevent getting it, as you hang out with little ones all the time?