friday morning we had a note written on the blackboard in the house saying "water shortage and won't be more til monday...use spareingly!!" . there was also a note above the hot water tank switch we turn on for showers that told us to not shower. great. so, leslie and i haven't showered since thursday (it's now monday). which usualy, if i was at camp or even at home wouldnt be that unusual. BUT i am covered in so many layers of red dirt it's starting to match my hair. and the neat factor that our toilet stopped flushing, only AFTER the fact of the matter that we used it. (our bathroom door is now closed) really not so neat at all.
people were complaining about it at breakfast and my friend matt was trying to tell us to just sponge bath and then dump a water bottle on your head... leslie and i were walking downtown just now and she was saying how gross she felt, i was saying how i'd love to flush our toilet when it hit me that in the midst of LIVING in a country, a city that probably 95% of the people don't have running water EVER..i can still think like a westerner. i still want my shower. i don't want to use a long drop or a squatter. i want my flush toilet. even though my next door neighbors are outside bathing each other in buckets right before my eyes, i am still somewhat desensitized to it.
you'd think that my brain would stop functioning like that. but it hasn't.
and that's slightly embarrassing to me.
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