Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Rabid Dog and my encounter with him.

On Saturday night last weekend a group of us had been out for drinks and playing pool at Reflections (one of our regular hang-outs) and were back at Busoga sitting on the porch being ridiculous when I decided I'd had enough and went to walk home (As I was still living at Zamo hotel at the time). Usually someone walks me home, even though it's like 20 steps away but tonight I didn't care and said I'd go by myself.

So I've walked like, ten steps past the gate when I see a dog crossing the road in front of me. (Now, dogs in Uganda are not pets. They are either trained to kill security dogs, or they are rabid strays). So I freeze in my place. The dog notices and stops as well. My heart starts pounding and I start to back up slowly to the guesthouse to get someone to walk with me, when the dog growls, then snarls with his big teeth and then another dog appears and THEN THEY START BARKING AND RUNNING TOWARDS ME!! This is when I let out an ear-shattering scream, turn around and run like the wind back to the guesthouse gate, screaming the whole way (let's remember It's like, 2am) and banging on the gate for someone to open it.

Of course, everyone on the porch had heard me screaming, as well as Gideon (our gatekeeper) and were there yelling and freaking out, Alex and Mark yelling "WHERE'S THE GUY!? WHERE IS HE??! WHAT HAPPENED??!" as from my screams they assumed I had been attacked by someone and I slowed down enough to say that it was a dog.

Now yes, of course, they are scary around here, but according to the guys... I was a little ridiculous. Nevertheless I made them all walk me home. It's been 4 days and I'm pretty sure it's going to be the butt of all jokes for the rest of the summer.

"Hey's your doggie friend?" "Been chased yet today?"

funny funny, everyone. laugh it up. lets see what YOU would have done.

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