Tuesday, May 29, 2007




They take forever to get on here, so you better appreciate them. I’ll try and exlplain them, ok.
The one of me and two other girls is of my best girlfriends here, Lindsay, (far right) and leslie(middle) they are both from ontario and I don’t quite know what I’d do without them here! Linds is heading home next week unfortunately, but leslie is here with me to the bitter end..we are hoping to do some traveling in Rwanda after our volunteer placements.

The one of all the adorable children is of some of the kids at my orphanage.

The one of me pointed at water? That’s where the river nile begins, where it and lake Victoria meet. It’s quite the touristy thing here, we went on this sweet rickety old wooden canoe to see it.

The one of me and Lindsey in skirts on the road is one day walking home from town…scorching hot. And long skirts are the ‘culturally approprite’ thing to wear when you are going somewhere.. cultural? I forget what we were doing that day. But I defiantly didn’t bring enough nice clothes to be appropriete everyday that’s for sure.

And then the vertical one is when we were on a boat tour, this was a thatched hut by the side of the lake. Just up the hill was a big mansion, so we are assuming this little mud hut is where the workers lived.(for the mansion) I tried to get the mansion in the photo as well but it didn’t work. The contrast between housing here is actually unreal. You can have a row of mud huts with dirt floors and charcoal fires, and then right next door is a massive new house with a big gate and security guards. The house we live in is neither.. quite moderate but has everything you need.
Ok whew that’s all the photos I can do right now…thanks for looking. Will try more later.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey Vic, really nice to see some photos. Love the one of the kids. Would like to see more of them. I want to see one of you holding one! Love Mom