Thursday, June 28, 2007

bet you don't see these headlines in the summerland review!

YES THEY ARE!!!!!!!! well no...they are exellent drivers, they are MAD..and if anyone drove like they do here in canada, we'd all be dead on the road within 5 minutes. but here, everyone drives crazy so everyone is used to it.
briefly- the karimojoa region is northern uganda that is severley sketch right now. IDP camps are nearing i think...60? (internally displaced persons) basically thousands and thousands of refugees that have fled their homes in southern sudan from the LRA(Lords resistance army) are in these camps in northern uganda. karimojong people make up 80% of the street people in kampala(the capital city) and most of the street kids here in jinja. watch out too, because some areas in karimoja are still practicing canibalism.

if you are following the southern sudan/northern uganda crisis.....

over half of the students writing uni enterance exams in my area were found with fraud-ed papers/copied papers they turned in. how unfortunate, but maybe the gov't should focus on making PRIMARY school education free- or else there won't BE ANYONE to take the uni enterance exams because noone's even gotten through primary school.

i try and buy a newspaper every few days to try and keep up-to-date with the happenenings of this country and the surroundings ones. sometimes i die laughing of some of the ridiculously blunt and sketchy articles and letters to the editor, and sometimes i nearly cry becuase you would NOT hear headlines like this back home. i'm bringing home most of these papers so you can see them. there is so much going on that even i'm not really aware of after living here for two months. i still feel so ignorent sometimes. if you an see this above one, it's the latest population stats. ones that stuck out to me were "1.6% of people own a car, 5.5% a telephone" or "10,000 street kids in uganda" or "60% of pupils don't complete primary school"

1 comment:

Laura said...

Don't worry, there's been lots of headlines about university students cheating on exams, etc. here in Candada too! Can't wait to read the newspapers you bring back.
Love MOM