Monday, June 11, 2007

tribute to the trio

“LVL C3.” (Lindsay Vicki Leslie, Canadian Three). That’s right, we were cool enough to make an acronum for ourselves. I just wanted to say that one of ‘the three of us’ has left and gone home to kitchner Ontario, and leslie and I shall miss her terribly. As they say on the lion king, “our trio’s down to two. Oh.”
Anyways- LINDSAY…we love you and miss you tons. It’s not the same without you telling us stories that start off “this one time, on our canoe trip..” and I have to make fun of leslie and her sing-song voice all alone. Pete’s sister and her bf from London came and brought a bunch of tabloids though that you are missing out on. Hee. We think of you often and eat your nutella with our fingers every night. Muah.

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